

王者荣耀魔兽争霸配音(魔兽争霸 配音)


想找魔兽争霸上的配音 早上起来鸡的叫声 夜晚来了狼叫声?

在声音编辑器(或按F5),在 声音-内部 找到



找到后右键 作为音效,就可以在魔兽争霸中使用













没有的 文配音音乐 没有的





恶魔猎手- (英雄,城镇中心)


- At last, we shall have revenge! 终于,我们可以报仇了!


- The time has come. 是时候了

- We must act! 我们必须行动了!

- My blade thirsts 我的刀刃渴望着……

- Quickly! 快!

- Command Me! 命令我吧!


- [思想控制] You are spellbound!*** 你已经着魔了

- [蜕变] Time to raise hell! 呼唤地狱的时刻到了

- [吸魂] Your soul is mine!*** 你的灵魂属于我

- [鬼怪视界] Hide no longer!*** 你无处可藏

- Anatorettador!** 精灵语

- Though I be damned! 就算我是被诅咒的!

- Duranacal.** 精灵语

- At last. 终于

- Hmmm. 唔


- I shall fight fire with fire! 我要以火焰来克制火焰。

- Chaos boils in my veins! 混沌的力量在我血液中沸腾

- Demon blood is thicker than... regular blood. 恶魔之血浓于……一般的血

- I like my enemies dead and my blades flaming. 最爱看敌人死在我燃烧的刀刃下

- I love green trees! (注解: 这个很粗暴. 在游戏中其实是倒过来的, 我不想把它拼出来所以我把它倒过来了. )

- You will perish in flames (咳嗽声) Ops, sorry! 你将在火焰中毁灭(咳嗽)哦,对不起!

- Darkness called, ... but I was on the phone, so I missed him. I tried to *69 Darkness, but his machine picked up. I yelled: "Pick up the phone Darkness", but he ignored me. Darkness must have been screening his calls. 黑暗之王一度召唤我,……但我在打电话,所以我错过了。我试着回拨给他,但只听到录音留言。我喊道:“拿起电话呀,黑暗之王”,但是他不理我。黑暗之王一定是屏蔽了他的电话。


- [.vs 英雄] For Calendor! 为了Kalimdor

- None shall survive! 挡我者死!

- Your blood is mine! 喝你的血!

- Run for your life! 快逃命吧!

- Revenge! 复仇!

丛林守护者- (英雄,城镇中心)


- I must safegaurd the land! 保护大地是我的职责。


- Is there danger? 有险情吗?

- Command me. 命令我吧

- Who threatens the wilds? 谁在威胁着大自然?

- The time is now. 就是现在

- Nature is restless. 大自然永不宁静


- [自然之触] Everything I touch dies or comes back to life! 我的触碰带来死亡和再生!

- [扼死藤] This should weed out a few! 这些杂草应该清除

- [荆棘] You mess with the branch, you get the thorns! 你跟树枝战斗,就得面对荆棘。

- [宁静] The calm, before the storm. 暴风雨前的宁静

- By the spirits! 以精灵们的力量!

- For Calendor! 为了Kalimdor!

- Well, there it is. 好,在那边

- So shall is be. 理应如此

- Naturally. 自然而然


- My father was mounted over someone\'\'s fireplace. 我父亲是画在壁炉上方的座骑

- Feel natural, nature\'\'s way. 感受大自然的自然

- Don\'\'t let the doe hit you on the way out! 那些母鹿要来扁你了

- When I Attack, part 3. 当我攻击时,第3部分

- Free rides for the ladies MM免费骑哦

- Heard up! 收到!


- [.vs 英雄] Smite the defilers of the land! 给污染者以致命一击!

- Feel nature\'\'s wrath! 感受自然的愤怒!

- Death to all defilers! 污染者,受死!

- None shall harm the wilds! 没有人可以伤害大自然!

月亮女祭祀- (英雄,城镇中心)


- Warriors of the night, assemble! 夜之战士们,集结起来!


- We are poised to strike! 我们随时准备战斗!

- We must act! 我们得行动了!

- I am vigilant! 我时刻警惕着!

- Trust in my command. 相信我的指挥吧!


- [月光] Godess, grant me sight! 女神啊,赐予我慧眼吧!

- [月反射] Let me bounce this off you. 从你身上反弹吧!

- [灼光] Highbeams on! 强光照射!

- [强击] Shoot to kill! 射杀!

- [黎明] Darkness falls across the land. 黑暗降临大地(知道MJ的Thriller吗?Darkness Falls Across The Land ,The Midnight Hour Is Close At Hand,Creatures Crawl In Search Of Blood……\'\'Cause This Is Thriller, Thriller Night……MJ开始与一群僵尸跳舞^o^ )

- Leading the way! 领路!

- Onward! 前进!

- As I thought. 正合我意

- The Godess agrees. 正如女神所愿


- I command the army of Darkness! 我指挥着黑暗(暗夜)部队!

- I\'\'m caught between the moon and NightElf city. 我往返于月亮与夜精灵城之间

- Come on! We\'\'re burning moonlight. 来吧!我们是燃烧的月之光

- When a Treant falls in the forest, does it make a sound? 一个树人在森林里倒下时,会发出声音吗?


- [.vs 英雄] By the Godess! 以女神的力量!

- Strike! 进攻!

- For the Godess! 为了女神!

- Prepare to be Moonstruck!准备接受月神之击!(Moonstruck的字典解释:源于月光能引起精神错乱的信仰,是不是有点讽刺?)



Ready - "My prey is near." ---我的猎物就在附近。

Warcry - "Justice has come." ---审判降临。

What1 - "Have you reached a verdict?"---你有判决了吗?

What2 - "Let me investigate." ---让我来仔细调查

What3 - (Elvish)

What4 - (Elvish)

What5 - "I am the iron hand of justice."---我是司法(正义)的铁碗。

Yes1 - "Let the hunt begin."---狩猎开始吧。

Yes2 - "Understood." ---明白。

Yes4 - "I can taste their fear."---我能感觉到他们的恐惧。

Yes5 - "Justice shall be swift." ---执法必须迅速。

YesAttack1 - "They shall not escape!" ---他们决对逃脱不了!

YesAttack2 - "Let justice be served!" ---为司法服务!

YesAttack3 - "I am the law." ---我就是法律。

Pissed1 - "I shall be your executioner." ---我会是你的死刑执行者。

Pissed2 - "Only the guilty need fear me." ---只有犯罪者对我感到恐惧。

Pissed3 - "Justice may be blind, but i\'m not." ---司法可能有盲目,但,我没有。

Pissed4 - "Truth, Justice and the Night Elf way." ---执行真理,正义和夜精灵的路线(方法?)

Pissed5 - "You think you\'re above the law?" ---你认为你能凌驾于法律之上?

Pissed6 - "What we have here is a failure to communicate." ---我们在这所面对的是沟通的失败(既然已经这样,没有沟通的必要了。)

Pissed7 - "I hold you in contempt."---对你,我只有蔑视。(鄙视你!!!:)

Pissed8 - "He\'s no good to me if he\'s dead." ---他死了的话,对我毫无价值。(追杀狂。。。)


剑圣- (英雄,城镇中心)


- I obey the six vengance! (原帖都没翻译...obey是执行的意思,vengance,复仇,报仇,连起来我也不知道.我执行这6个复仇?不通顺...)


- I am yours! 我属于你!

- Ohh! 噢!

- Yesa, Lord!* 是,主人!

- What task is there?有什么任务?


- I hearo and obey!* 我听从命令!(剑圣说的是日式英语……把r音发成鲁等)

- Hai! 日语,嗨咿!

- Excellent choice! 完美的选择!

- Yes, huh! 是,哈!


- Snatch the pebble from my hand, grasshopper!

- My a blade can cut through armor, and still cut a tomato!* 我的刀可以切穿盔甲,切到里面的番茄(心脏)

- Twin blade action, for clean, close shave everytime! 看我的双刀流……每次都可以把脸刮的很干净~(剔须刀呀?)

- Wasabi! 日语,芥末 (……剑圣整个一日本武士)

=Attack Sounds=

- [.vs 英雄] For the burning Blade! 为了燃烧之刃

- Taste a* my blade! 尝尝我的利刃

- Ailease! *喊声*

- Hooah! *吼声*

先知- (英雄,城镇中心)


- The future is ours! 未来属于我们!


- My eyes are open. 我洞悉一切

- Seeing is believing! 眼见为实

- Do you need my counsel? 需要我的忠告吗?

- Destiny awaits. 命运在等待


- It is certain. 确信无疑

- Of course. 当然

- I see. 明白

- Watch out!


- I see dead people. 我看见死人了(开地图秘籍哦,果然是farseer)

- Touch you tongue to mine! 敢用你的舌头舔我! (狼的呻吟声)

- Concentrate and ask again. 思想集中一点!再问我一遍

- Outlook not so good. 前景不太理想(暗指微软的outlook不太好用)

- Reply hazy. Try again! 回答的摸棱两可,再说一遍!


- [.vs 英雄] Spirits of Earth and Storm, strike! 大地与风暴的灵魂啊,攻击吧!

- Strike! 进攻!

- Look out! 注意!

- Attack! 进攻!

牛头人酋长- (英雄,城镇中心)


- I have an axe to grind! 我有把斧子要磨


- I stand ready! 我准备好了

- Your command? 你的命令?

- Your order? 你的指示?

- What would you ask of me? 你要我做什么?


- Done! 完成!

- For my ancestors!为了我的祖先们!

- An excellent plan! 好计划!

- Yes Chieftan? 是,酋长?(他自己也是酋长哦)


- Mmmm. My back is killing me! 唔,我的后背要了我的命。

- I need to take a load off! 我需要减轻负荷。

- Rrrrggg! I think I have a splinter! 呃啊~~~~我想我的骨头碎了!

- These poles are heavy, I should find someone else to tote em!这些柱子好沉啊,我该找别的人来背它(找个真人来作我的图腾)

- I used to have to go to war uphills, both ways!我以前打仗的时候还得上坡,两个方面……

- Your way, right away! 一是你上,二是马上


- [.vs 英雄] For the War Chief and the Tribes! 为了酋长和部落!

- For the Tribes! 为了部落!

- Honorguide me!* 荣誉引导着我!

- None shall pass! 把命留下!

Shadow Hunter


Ready - "Want to see somethin\' real scary?" ---想来点真正让人惊慌的玩意儿?

Warcry - "It be the mad time man." ---这真是一个疯狂的时代。

What1 - "Who do I kill first?" ---先来干掉哪个?

What2 - "Where our enemies be hidin\'?" ---我们的敌人藏身在哪里?

What3 - "Use my power." ---以我的力量。

What4 - "Direct my blade." ---指引我的利刃。

What5 - "Who be my next victim?" ---接下来谁受死?

Yes1 - "Move faster." ---行动更快些。

Yes2 - "It be a pleasure." ---很乐意。

Yes3 - "Right." ---的确。

Yes5 - "We be jammin\'." ---我们陷入了困境。

Yes6 - *laughs*

Yes7 - "Ya man."---年轻人。

YesAttack1 - "My blade be thirsty." ---我的刀刃渴望杀戮。

YesAttack2 - "I pity the fool." ---我真为那些愚蠢的家伙感到可怜。

YesAttack3 - "Killin\' be easy." ---将他杀死,简单。

YesAttack4 - "Die!" ---死吧。

Pissed1 - "Keepin it real, up in the feal." ---保持真实,??

Pissed2 - "Your commander is a fool." ---你的指挥官是个傻瓜。

Pissed3 - "Call me for your free reading." ---有免费阅读的话请叫上我。

Pissed4 - "You\'re the baddest soul in town man." ---你是整个部落最糟糕的灵魂,小子。

Pissed5 - "Humans. They think they know everything." ---人类,他们总以为自己无所不知。

Pissed6 - "You lack discipline." ---你缺乏纪律。

Pissed7 - "Stop whinin\'." ---别再抱怨了,年轻人。

Pissed8 - "Look at me. I\'m happy." ---看看我。我多开心。

Pissed9 - "Ooh, Baby."---喔,孩子。


死亡骑士- (英雄,城镇中心)


- The pact is sealed! 契约已订!


- You called? 你召唤我吗?

- My patience has ended! 我的耐心已尽!

- I am the Darkness! 我就是黑暗!

- My vengence is yours! 你就是我的复仇!


- Let battle be joined! 加入战斗!

- As you order! 听从命令!

- Hiyah! 嗨呀!

- At last! 终于!

- For the Lich King!为了巫妖王!


- Has hell frozen over yet? 地狱还没有冻住吗?

- I am the one horseman of the Apocalypse. 我是天命骑士之一。

- I hate people, but I love gatherings! 我恨人们,但我喜欢收藏品

- I\'\'m a Death Night Rider! Muh ha ha ha 我是一个死亡骑士(死掉的夜骑士)!啊哈哈哈

- Blueca!**

- Don\'\'t touch me... I\'\'m evil! 别碰我……我是邪恶的!


- [.vs 英雄] Let terror reign! 让恐惧统治一切吧!

- Feel my rath! 感受我的愤怒!

- Ride or die! 逃跑还是受死!

- By Nazul! 以Ner \'\'zhul的名义

恐惧之王- (英雄,城镇中心)


- The night beckons! 夜在召唤!


- Greetings! 向您问候!

- What, mortal? 什么事,凡人

- What is it now? 现在呢?

- I must hunt soon! 我立即行动!


- That was my plan! 正是我的计划!

- Agreed! 同意!

- Very well. 很好!

- You thought of that? 你也那么想?


- If I have wings, why am I always walking? 既然我有翅膀,为什么我总是步行?








可以导出 也可以自己导入音效来为魔兽里的人物配音

但你要先了解魔兽里的单位的英文名 这样比较方便查找


黑暗游侠:I am here as always! 我在这里,一如既往!

恶魔猎手:At last, we shall have revenge! 终于,我们可以报仇了!

火焰领主:Beware I live ... 小心了,我还活着...

丛林守护者:I must safegaurd the land! 我必须守卫这土地!

大魔法师吉安娜:Shhh.I am trying to think here. 嘶.我在这试着思考。

森林巨魔狂暴者:let the killing begin! 让屠杀开始!

月之女祭司:Warriors of the night, assemble! HO! 黑夜中的战士,集结起来,吼!

龙鹰骑士:The sky is mine! 天空是我的!

巨魔蝙蝠骑士:The end justifys the means! 结局会证明这意义!

矮人火枪手:Shoot to kill! 射杀!

矮人直升机:They came from the hell!他们来自地狱!

双足飞龙:Ready to soar Master!准备腾飞,大师!

羊:Meee! 咩。。

女巫:Help me,help you! 帮助我, 帮助您!

剑圣:My blade seeks vengeance.我的剑刃寻求复仇

先知:the future is ours 未来属于我们!


大法师:This had better be worth it! 这样做最好值得!

圣骑士:What would you ask of me? 您要我做什么?

山丘之王:For Kazmodon! 为了矮人家园!


牛头人酋长:For the Tribes! 为了部落!


掠夺者:For Doomhammer! 为了毁灭之锤!

守望者:justice has come! 正义来了!

死亡骑士:Let terror regin! 让恐惧统治一切吧!


驯兽师雷克萨:For the Mog Masaar!


熊猫酒仙:Now you endangered!现在是你陷入危机!

嘿 嘿 呼 啊。。Hei hei hu ah...


树妖:Taste my spear! 尝尝我的标枪!

矮人直升机:We have lifted up! 我们起飞啦!

狮鹫骑士:it's hammer time !该抡起锤子了!

迫击炮小队:Mortar combat! 迫击炮 战斗组!

骑士:For the king! 为了国王!

牛头人:May my ancestors watch over me! 祖先在上面看着我们!

那加女海巫:Taste my sting! 尝尝我的毒箭!

萨满祭司:Storm,Earth,and Fire heed my call 风暴、大地、火焰留意我的呼唤 !

暗影猎手:Direct my blade为我的刀叶指引(方向)

牧师:Now feel my wrath! 现在感觉我的愤怒!

恐惧魔王:I hunger! 我饿了!

破法者:Your magic is mine! 您的魔法是我的!


双足飞龙:ho ha 呼哈!

利爪德鲁伊:My strength is yours. 我的力量是属于你的!

猛禽德鲁伊:For Kalimdor! 为了卡利姆多!

地精飞艇:I laugh in the face of danger,hahahahahaha… 我在危险面前放声大笑!

狼:e... 敖!




黑客技术 发布于 2022-06-26 03:24:08  

无价值。(追杀狂。。。)ORC的:剑圣- (英雄,城镇中心)=建造音效=- I obey the six vengance! (原帖都没翻译...obey是执行的意思,vengance,复仇,报仇,连起来我也不知道.我执行这6个复仇?不通顺...)=选定音效=- 回复


黑客技术 发布于 2022-06-25 19:39:41  

d, ... but I was on the phone, so I missed him. I tried to *69 Darkness, but his mach 回复


黑客技术 发布于 2022-06-26 01:37:48  

动作音效=- That was my plan! 正是我的计划!- Agreed! 同意!- Very well. 很好!- You thought of that? 你也那么想?=骂玩家音效=- If I have w 回复
